Pengaruh Kebijakan ““4 in 1â€â€ terhadap Kinerja Persimpangan Jl Dr. Djunjunan – Tol Pasteur dengan Menggunakan Simulasi Mikro

Andrean Maulana


Kebijakan “4 in 1†diterapkan sebagai salah satu solusi untuk permasalahan kemacetan di kota Bandung. Adapun tujuan dari penerapan kebijakan “4 in 1†adalah meningkatkan kinerja persimpangan Tol Pasteur – Jl. Dr Djunjunan atau Simpang Pasteur. Untuk analisis kinerja Simpang Pasteur, digunakan model simulasi mikro dengan perangkat Paramics. Analisis dilakukan terhadap dua kondisi yaitu kondisi dengan kebijakan “4 in 1†dan kondisi tanpa kebijakan “4 in 1â€. Terjadi pengurangan panjang antrian maksimum sebesar 148,79 meter dan tundaan rata-rata simpang sebesar 7,6 detik. Lalu, dilakukan pengubahan waktu sinyal untuk meningkatkan kinerja simpang Pasteur . Waktu siklus yang didapat sebesar 52 detik, dengan rincian waktu hijau fase satu dan dua sebesar 15 detik dan fase tiga sebesar 14 detik. Dengan waktu siklus terbaik ini dapat menghasilkan pengurangan panjang antrian maksimum sebesar 239 meter dan tundaan rata-rata simpang sebesar 46 detik.

Kata kunci: simulasi, mikro, antrian, tundaan, sinyal



Bandung city government recently applied “4 in 1†strategy as one of city's traffic management strategies to resolve traffic congestion that occurs at many city's main streets. By applying that rule, hopefully it will reduces, even eliminates traffic congestion that usually occurs at Dr. Djunjunan street during peak hours. Since the program prohibits any passenger cars that carry less than 4 passengers to cross Dr. Djunjunan street, it will affects every street at Pasteur signalized intersection and the intersection itself. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze Pasteur signalized intersection's performance before and after the application of “4 in 1†strategy. The analysis was conducted using micro-simulation model that generated from Paramics software.The analysis was conducted in two condition, with or without “4 in 1†strategy. Results from analysis indicates that there will be 148,79 meter difference of maximum length of queue and 7,6 seconds difference of mean delay time between those two condition at Pasteur signalized intersection. The analysis also conducted by changing traffic signal timing in order to obtain better performance of Pasteur signalized intersection. Results from analysis indicates that there will be 239 meter reduction of maximum length of queue and 46 second of mean delay time.

Keywords: simulation, micro, queue, delay, signal.

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