Petrified Wood : Karakteristik dan Aplikasinya dalam Bidang Desain Produk
Petrified wood atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah fosil kayu memiliki banyak varietas warna dengan keindahan luar biasa dan menakjubkan dari warna yang dimunculkan. Warna-warna tersebut dihasilkan dari kayu-kayu dalam proses penimbunan jutaan tahun, bahan utama kayu dimana adalah berbahan organik yang telah berubah menjadi silikat, seperti batu agate atau biasa dikenal batu akik, jasper dan opal. Keberadaan batu fosil kayu ini tersebar di wilayah-wilayah dengan hutan ratusan mil luasnya yang keberadaanya termasuk di Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Madagaskar, Indonesia dan Brasil. Ketersediaan akan fosil kayu yang melimpah menyebabkan terciptanya sebuah industri kreatif yang mengolah khusus fosil kayu diubah menjadi produk kreatif yang memiliki nilai ekonomi. Pada industri kreatif tersebut pengolahan fosil kayu dijadikan sebuah furnitur atau dekorasi rumah, dibuat dari bongkahan utuh fosil kayu yang berukuran besar dan digabungkan dengan material lain seperti logam, dan resin.
Kata kunci : petrified wood, fosil kayu
Petrified wood, better known as wood fossils, have many colors with extraordinary and amazing beauty from the colors that appear on it. Those colors are naturally produced from woods in the process of millions of years of stockpiling, the main substance of wood made from organic which has been turned into silicates, such as carnelian stone or commonly called agate, jasper and opal. The existence of these fossil stones is spread in areas with forests that are vast in miles including in Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Madagascar, Indonesia and Brazil. Abundant wood fossils in so many places cause the creative industry to process those wood fossils and turned it into creative products which have economic values. In this creative industry, wood fossils are made into furniture or home decorations, made from large chunks of petrified woods and combined with other materials, such as metal and resin.
Key words: petrified wood, wood fossils
Kata kunci : petrified wood, fosil kayu
Petrified wood, better known as wood fossils, have many colors with extraordinary and amazing beauty from the colors that appear on it. Those colors are naturally produced from woods in the process of millions of years of stockpiling, the main substance of wood made from organic which has been turned into silicates, such as carnelian stone or commonly called agate, jasper and opal. The existence of these fossil stones is spread in areas with forests that are vast in miles including in Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Madagascar, Indonesia and Brazil. Abundant wood fossils in so many places cause the creative industry to process those wood fossils and turned it into creative products which have economic values. In this creative industry, wood fossils are made into furniture or home decorations, made from large chunks of petrified woods and combined with other materials, such as metal and resin.
Key words: petrified wood, wood fossils
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