Penyiraman Tanaman Otomatis Berbasis Arduino IoT Cloud di Lahan Pertanian

Liman Hartawan, Tito Shantika, Nuha Desi Anggraeni, Muhammad Pramuda Nugraha Sirodz, Firman Cahya Nugraha, Rama Dani Faturohman, Alfiannur Fauzi Rohman, Mohamad Fathir Atthariq Hakiki, Andika Teguh Saputra, Arif Rizki Triyadi, Andre Widiantara, Anggi Noviadi, Ilham Maulana, Ahmad Naufal Bukhori, Dodih Dodih


Gapoktan Lembang Agri merupakan contoh kelompok tani yang sukses dalam mengembangkan bisnis pertanian sehingga menjadi contoh bagi kelompok tani lainnya. Gapoktan Lembang Agri mulai menerapkan teknologi Smart Farming di lahannya. Namun teknologi tersebut masih terlalu mahal untuk digunakan oleh kelompok tani lainnya. Atas kepeduliannya dalam menyebarkan teknologi Smart Farming kepada kelompok tani lainnya, maka Gapoktan Lembang Agri bekerjasama dengan Itenas Bandung untuk membuat beberapa teknologi terkait yang ekonomis. Salah satu teknologi yang dibuat adalah penyiraman tanaman otomatis berbasis IoT. Alat ini menggunakan mikrokontrol ESP32 dengan aplikasi Arduino IoT Cloud yang terhubung ke internet melalui router/Wifi di gedung packing house Lembang Agri yang terletak di samping lahan pertanian. Penyiram tanaman otomatis ini memantau kelembaban tanah dengan Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor, kelembaban dan temperatur lingkungan dengan sensor DHT11, serta penggunaan solenoid valve dan modul relay dalam mengalirkan fluida untuk penyiraman tanaman. Sumber daya dari alat yang dipasang di lahan diperoleh dari rangkaian baterai 18650 yang dapat diisi ulang (charge). Hasil uji fungsionalitas alat diperoleh bahwa nilai kelembaban tanah, temperatur dan kelembaban udara telah dapat dipantau melalui internet menggunakan smartphone. Solenoid valve telah berfungsi pada batas kelembaban yang ditentukan melalui program. Namun terdapat delay/keterlambatan sekitar 3 detik dalam beraksi. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh kecepatan jaringan internet yang tersedia. Hasil uji lapangan belum diperoleh karena masih dalam proses. Atas pencapaian uji fungsi alat ini, telah dilaksanakan beberapa kali pelatihan terkait alat ini ke berbagai kalangan masyarakat yaitu: para petani milenial, guru/dosen, mahasiswa dan siswa.

Kata kunci: smart farming, capacitive soil moisture sensor, DHT11, ESP32, solenoid valve

Gapoktan Lembang Agri is an example of a successful farmer group in developing an agricultural business, thus becoming an example for other farmer groups. Gapoktan Lembang Agri has started implementing Smart Farming technology in its land. However, the technology is still too expensive for other farmer groups to use. For their concern in spreading Smart Farming technology to other farmer groups, the Lembang Agri Farmers Association collaborated with Itenas Bandung to create several related technologies that more affordable. One of the technologies created is IoT-based automatic plant watering. This tool uses an ESP32 microcontroller with the Arduino IoT Cloud application which is connected to the internet via a router/Wifi in the Lembang Agri packing house building which is located next to agricultural land. This automatic plant sprinkler monitors soil moisture with a Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor, ambient humidity and temperature with a DHT11 sensor, as well as the use of a solenoid valve and a relay module in flowing fluid for watering plants. The power source of the ground-mounted device is obtained from rechargeable 18650 batteries. The results of the tool's functionality test showed that the value of soil moisture, temperature and humidity can be monitored via the internet using a smartphone. The solenoid valve has functioned at the humidity limit, specified by the program. But there is a delay of about 3 seconds in action, this is caused by the speed of the available internet network. Field test results have not been obtained because they are still in process. For the achievement of the function test of this tool, several trainings related to this tool have been carried out to various circles of society, namely: millennial farmers, teachers/lecturers, college students and students.

Keywords: smart farming, capacitive soil moisture sensor, DHT11, ESP32, solenoid valve

Kata Kunci

smart farming; capacitive soil moisture sensor; DHT11; ESP32; solenoid valve

Teks Lengkap:


Referensi, “Gapoktan Lembang Agri Sukses Ekspor Sayuran ke Singapura,†2022. (accessed May 15, 2022).

S. Wolfert, D. Goense, and C. A. G. Sorensen, “A future internet collaboration platform for safe and healthy food from farm to fork,†Annu. SRII Glob. Conf. SRII, pp. 266–273, 2014, doi: 10.1109/SRII.2014.47.

I. M. Kulmány et al., “Calibration of an Arduino-based low-cost capacitive soil moisture sensor for smart agriculture,†J. Hydrol. Hydromechanics, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 330–340, Sep. 2022, doi: 10.2478/johh-2022-0014.

C. N. Oton and M. T. Iqbal, “Low-Cost Open Source IoT-Based SCADA System for a BTS Site Using ESP32 and Arduino IoT Cloud,†2021 IEEE 12th Annu. Ubiquitous Comput. Electron. Mob. Commun. Conf. UEMCON 2021, no. March 2022, pp. 681–685, 2021, doi: 10.1109/UEMCON53757.2021.9666691.


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