Ronald Arachim Azwar, Fauzi Rahman, Rifky Hanifan, Rizna Andya Purnama, Tri Wahyu Handayani


Perancangan Kota (Urban Design) merupakan suatu perpaduan kegiatan antara profesi perencanaan kota, aristektur lansekap, rekayasa sipil, dan transportasi dalam wujud fisik. Peninjauan transformasi terhadap open space, activity support, public arts berfungsi sebagai pembanding antara Paskal Hyper Square dengan Paskal 23, dilihat berdasarkan aspek kawasan superblok Paskal Hyper Square, Elemen – elemen pembentu kota, dan perubahan pada kawasan Paskal Hyper Square. Dengan mengacu pada aspek tersebut, dilakukan pengamatan pada transformasi yang terjadi dan juga elemen – elemen open space, activity support, public arts di Paskal Hyper Square. Metode yang digunakan adalah teknik observasi, survey, pengamatan langsung, wawancara terhadap pengunjung dan tenant yang ada di kawasan Paskal Hyper Square dengan riset kepustakaan yaitu studi literature dan media informatif lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan dan mengidentifikasi elemen – elemen open space, activity support, public arts pada Paskal Hyper Square. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa 40% Transformasi open space, activity support, public arts mengalami perubahan secara signifikan.

Kata kunci: Paskal Hyper Square, Elemen – elemen, Transformasi

Urban Design is a blend of activities between the urban planning profession, architecture, landscape, civil engineering, and transportation in physical form. Review from the transformation of activity support, open space, public arts serves as comparison between Paskal Hyper Square and Paskal 23, based on aspects of the superblock area of Paskal Hyper Square, Urban Elemental Elements, and Changes in the Paskal Hyper Square area. Referring to these aspects, observation were made on the transformation and also the elements of Open Space, Activity Support, Public Arts at Paskal Hyper Square. The method used is the observation technique, survey, direct observation, interviews of visitors and tenants in the area of Paskal Hyper Square with literature research that is study of litelature and other informative media. The purpose of this study to knowing the changes and identify elements of Open Space, Activity Support, Public Arts at Paskal Hyper Square. The result of the analysis shows that 40% of Activity Support Transformation, Open space, public arts has changed significantly.

Keywords: Paskal Hyper Square, Elements, Transformation

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ISSN elektronik 2338-6592

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