Usulan Peningkatan Employee Engagement Pada Karyawan Administrasi Itenas
Unsur employee engagement (EE) sebagai pengelolaan SDM, diharapkan dapat mendorong karyawan agar memiliki kinerja yang baik dan komitmen yang tulus demi kesuksesan Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas). Penelitian ditujukan untuk menghasilkan usulan peningkatan EE karyawan administrasi Itenas. Penelitian diawali dengan pengukuran EE berdasarkan teori Development Dimension Internasional (DDI) dan National Institute of Standars and Techonology (NIST) dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 65 orang menghasilkan nilai indeks EE 2.83, yang berarti karyawan administrasi belum mencapai tingkat engaged. Dua item dengan indeks terendah adalah mengenai umpan balik serta kesempatan yang sama dan perlakuan yang adil. Usulan peningkatan EE terkait kedua item tersebut adalah perbaikan sistem komunikasi atasan dan bawahan serta sistem reward dan punishment yang adil untuk seluruh karyawan.
Kata kunci: employee engagement dan karyawan administrasi
Elements of employee engagement (EE) as HRM, is expected to encourage employees to have a good performance and a genuine commitment to the success of National Institute of Technology (Itenas). The study aimed to generate an increase in EE proposal Itenas administrative employees. The study begins with the measurement of EE is based on the theory of Development Dimension International (DDI) and the National Institute of Standards and Techonology (NIST) by using a questionnaire. Total sample of 65 people produce EE index value is 2.83, which means that the employee has not reached the level administration engaged. The two items with the lowest index is the feedback as well as equal opportunity and fair treatment. Proposed increase in EE is related to the second item is the improvement of communication systems superiors and subordinates as well as reward and punishment system that is fair to all employees.
Keywords: employee engagement and employee administration
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