Peningkatan Employee Engagement Untuk Teknisi Dan Karyawan Non Administrasi Itenas

MARDIA HANIM, Yoanita Yuniati, Sugih Arijanto


Engagement menurut DDI adalah “the extent to which people enjoy and believe what they do, and feel valued for doing itâ€. Penelitian dilakukan di Itenas Bandung, dimana masih terdapat keluhan dari mahasiswa Itenas mengenai pelayanan para karyawan yang dapat menunjukkan bahwa para karyawan tersebut belum engaged. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner, dengan responden 81 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai tingkat engagement adalah 2,79 (skala 1-4) yang berada di tingkat sedang. Dua item nilai indeksengagement terendah yaitu item ke-27 (indeks 2,58) dan item ke-7 (indeks 2,52). Usulan perbaikan adalah perbaikan manajemen,seperti: reward dan punishment, perencanaan peningkatan kompetensi kinerja karyawan teknisi dan non administrasi, serta upaya penambahan karyawan untuk mengawasi pekerjaan karyawan ditiap unit.


Kata kunci: Employee Engagement, Teknisi dan pegawai Non Administrasi.


Engagement according to DDI is "the extent to the which people enjoy and believe what they do, and feel valued for doing it". The study was conducted in Itenas where there are complaints from students about the services Itenas employees who showed that it is not engaged. Measurements were made by distributing questionnaires, with 81 respondents. The results show the value of the level of engagement was 2.79 (scale 1-4) who are inthe medium level. Two items index value of the lowest engagement is the 27th item (index 2.58) and Item 7th (index 2.52). Proposed improvements are management improvements, such as: reward and punishment, competency employee performance improvement plan, and increasing employee to supervise the work ofemployeesin each unit.

Keywords: employee engagement, non technicians and administrative

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