Desain dan Implementasi Prototipe SistemOtomasi Pencelup Mould Bag




Pada penelitian ini diimplementasikan prototipe sistem otomatis pencelup cetakan karet bladder sphygmomanometer (mould bag) untuk menggantikan sistem manual guna mengurangi persentase kegagalan produksi yaitu 35% dari setiap satu produksi 20 buah mould bag. Pada sistem ini, pneumatic air hydro, cylinder tank, speed control dan dua solenoid valve digunakan untuk mengatur waktu, jarak dan kecepatan pencelupan pengait mould bag (shaft) ke dalam cairan latex agar bergerak halus, cepat dan kokoh selama melaksanakan prosedur standar produksi. Penyaluran oli dan udara antara peneumatic air hydro dan cylinder tank dimanfaatkan untuk menggerakkan shaft secara vertikal melalui pengaturan dua solenoid valve menggunakan smart relay.Kecepatan pergerakan shaft dikontrol melalui pengaturan jumlah putaran pneumatic speed control. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pneumatic air hydro dengan diameter cylinder=140 mm dan tinggi cylinder=114 cm diperlukan untuk merealisasikan sistem pencelup mould bag dengan berat beban total ±9 ton. Pneumatic speed control harus diputar 10 putaran untuk menggerakkan shaft sejauh 80cm (t=10detik) dan 4 putaran untuk menggerakkan shaft sejauh 20 cm (t=20detik). Sistem dapat dikembangkan untuk melaksanakan seluruh prosedur produksi secara otomatis (termasuk otomatisasi speed controller) agar menghasilkan karet bladder dengan ketebalan yang ditentukan.

Kata kunci: karet bladder, mould bag, otomatis, prototipe, sistem pencelup


A prototipe of an automatic bladder mould of sphygmomanometer (mould bag) dipping system was implemented in this research to change a manual system in order to minimize a production failure percentage of 35% from each production of 20 mould bags.Pneumatic air hydro, cylinder tank, pneumatic speed control and two solenoid valves were used to control time, length and speed of a mould bag hook (a shaft) into latex liquid with smooth movement, fast response and tough contruction during conducting a standard production procedure.Theair and oil flows between pneumatic air hydro and cylindertank was controlled by smart relay-based solenoid valves to move the shaft vertically.Furthermore, the shaft speed was adjusted by the speed controller. The results showed that the pneumatic air hydro with diameter and length cylinder of 140 mm and 114 cm, respectively, is required to implement the dipping system to hold a total weight of ±9 ton. The speed control should be rotated of 10 rotations and 4 rotations to move the shaft of 80 cm in 10 seconds and 20 cm in 20 seconds, respectively. System can be further developed to conduct all production proceduresautomatically (including speed controller) for yielding the standard bladder.

Keywords:automatic, bladder rubber, dipping system, mould bag, prototype


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ISSN : 2337-439X

Ketua Editor :

Dr. Waluyo, M.T.

Editor :

1. Dwi Aryanta, Ir., M.T.

2. Arsyad Ramadhan Darlis, S.T., M.T.

3. Andre Widura, S.T., M.T.

4. Hendi Handian Rachmat, ST., MT., Ph.D.

Administrator :

Yugo Senddy P.