Studi Kasus Rugi-Rugi Serat Optik dan Analisis Daya dengan Metoda Link Budget Pada Jaringan Serat Optik STO Ahmad Yani




Penelitian ini menganalisis rugi-rugi serat optik terhadap sistem komunikasi serat optik di PT. Telkom ARNET 1 Bandung Timur, menggunakan kabel serat optik multimode tipe G 655 C dan G 652 D. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran menggunakan OTDR didapat total loss maksimum yang melebihi standarisasi 0,5 dB/km, terjadi pada ruas Ahmad Yani-Tegalega, kabel 24 core dengan nomor serat 1,2,5,6,7,9,11 dan ruas Ahmad Yani-Tegalega, kabel 48 core dengan nomor serat 35,37,38. Ruas Ahmad Yani-Dago total loss maksimum yang melebihi standarisasi 0,5 dB/km yaitu pada nomor serat 18. Daya terima minimum standarisasi adalah - 4 dBm untuk sumber cahaya laser. Dari hasil pengukuran didapat daya terima minimum untuk ruas Ahmad Yani-Lembong 1,4 dBm, Ahmad Yani Tegalega - 2,893 dBm, Ahmad Yani-Ujungberung 0,932 dBm, Ahmad Yani- Turangga 1,4 dBm, dan Ahmad Yani-Rancaekek -0,702 dBm.

Kata kunci : serat optik, standarisasi loss ITU-T, daya terima minimum, OTDR


This reseach analyzing loss optical fiber to the optical fiber communication systems in PT. Telkom Arnet 1 Bandung Timur, using the multimode optical fiber cables, type G 655 C and G 652 D. Based OTDR measurement results, it was obtained the total loss exceeded the maximum standarization of 0.5 dB/ km that occurred on a segment Ahmad Yani-Tegalega, 24 core cable with fiber numbers 1,2,5,6,7,9,11. The segment of Ahmad Yani-Tegalega, 48 core cable with fiber numbers 35,37,38 and Ahmad Yani-Dago total loss exceeded the maximum standarization of 0.5 dB/km was the number of fiber 18. The minimum received power standarization was - 4 dBm for the laser light source. The obtained measurement results for the minimum received power segment Ahmad Yani-Lembong, Ahmad Yani-Tegalega, Ahmad Yani-Ujungberung, Ahmad Yani-Turangga and Ahmad Yani - Rancaekek were 1.4 dBm, -2.893 dBm, 0.932 dBm, 1.4 dBm and -0.702 dBm respectively.

Keywords: optical fiber, loss standarizationITU-T, minimum received

power, OTDR


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ISSN : 2337-439X

Ketua Editor :

Dr. Waluyo, M.T.

Editor :

1. Dwi Aryanta, Ir., M.T.

2. Arsyad Ramadhan Darlis, S.T., M.T.

3. Andre Widura, S.T., M.T.

4. Hendi Handian Rachmat, ST., MT., Ph.D.

Administrator :

Yugo Senddy P.