Sistem SCADA Plant Testing Station dan Separating Station menggunakan SIMATIC WinCC




SIMATIC WinCC V7 merupakan sistem visualisasi SCADA yang digunakan untuk kontrol dan monitoring proses pada sistem SCADA Modular Production System (MPS) yang merupakan prototype dalam simulasi produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan software SIMATIC WinCC V7 dengan metode protokol komunikasi TCP/IP pada sistem SCADA plant Testing Station dan Separating Station. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan HMI SIMATIC WinCC V7 berhasil melakukan pengendalian dan pemantauan plant Testing dan Separating. Waktu delay transfer data PLC (Testing Station) ke PC (WinCC) yaitu 102 ms dan waktu delay transfer data PC (WinCC) ke PLC (Testing Station) yaitu 84 ms. Selain itu, dapat disimpulkan juga bahwa waktu delay transfer data PLC (Separating Station) ke PC (WinCC) yaitu 95 ms dan waktu delay transfer data PC (WinCC) ke PLC (Separating Station) yaitu 66 ms.

Kata kunci: Modular Production System, PLC, Protokol TCP/IP, SCADA, SIMATIC WinCC V7.



SIMATIC WinCC V7 is a SCADA visualization system used for control and process monitoring on the SCADA Modular Production System (MPS) system which is a prototype in production simulation. This study aims to implement the SIMATIC WinCC V7 software with the TCP/IP Protocol method on the SCADA plant Testing Station and Separating Station systems. The test results show that the SIMATIC WinCC V7 HMI has succeeded in controlling and monitoring Plant Testing and Separating. The delay time for PLC (Testing Station) data transfer to a PC (WinCC) is 102 ms and the delay time for PC data transfer (WinCC) to a PLC (Testing Station) is 84 ms. Besides that, it can also be concluded that the delay time for PLC (Separating Station) data transfer to a PC (WinCC) is 95 ms and the delay time for PC data transfer (WinCC) to PLC (Separating Station) is 66 ms.

Keywords: Modular Production System, PLC, TCP/IP Protocol, SCADA, SIMATIC WinCC V7.


Modular Production System; PLC, Protokol TCP/IP; SCADA; SIMATIC WinCC V7


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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