Optimasi Dielektrika Isolator Polimer Silicone Rubber menggunakan Bahan Pengisi Limbah Coal Fly Ash




Berdasarkan penelitian dengan judul “Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash Filled Silicone Rubber for High Voltage Insulator†oleh Manjang dkk., (2015), telah dilakukan eksperimen uji karakteristik dielektrika fly ash sebagai filler pada isolator Silicone Rubber (SiR), namun belum adanya analisa optimasi komposisi kadar fly ash yang dilakukan, sehingga belum diperoleh nilai rekomendasi komposisi terbaik. Oleh karena itu, tujuan pada penelitian ini dilakukan studi lebih lanjut untuk menentukan nilai optimasi dari jenis komposisi pemanfaatan fly ash sebagai filler pada isolator SiR dengan metode analisa regresi kuadratik dan memperoleh model kuadrat komposisi fly as yang mengoptimalkan kekuatan dielektrika. Hasil optimasi komposisi fly ash pada pengujian sifat hidrofobik sebesar 20.69% dari komposisi fly ash dan pengujian permitivitas relatif sebesar 80% dari komposisi fly ash.

Kata kunci: fly ash batu bara, filler, optimasi, regresi kuadratik, silicone rubber



Based on research entitled "Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Fly Ash Filled Silicone Rubber for High Voltage Insulators" by Manjang et al., (2015), experiments have been carried out to test the dielectric characteristics of fly ash as a filler on Silicone Rubber (SiR) insulators, but there is no the optimization analysis of the composition of the fly ash content was carried out, so that the best composition recommendation value has not been obtained. Therefore, the aim of this research is to conduct further studies to determine the optimization value of the type of composition utilizing fly ash as filler in SiR insulators using the quadratic regression analysis method and obtain a quadratic model of fly ash composition that optimizes dielectric strength. Optimization results of the fly ash composition in testing the hydrophobic properties of 20.69% of the fly ash composition and relative permittivity testing of 80% of the fly ash composition.

Keywords: coal fly ash, filler, optimization, quadratic regression, silicone rubber


fly ash batu bara; filler; optimasi; regresi kuadratik; silicone rubber


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26760/elkomika.v11i4.1075


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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