Active Control based on Adaptive Filters for Elastic Supported Cylinders
Dalam makalah ini, kami menyajikan strategi kontrol feedforward baru disajikan untuk kontrol getaran induksi aliran dari silinder tabung yang ditopang balok kantilever elastis yang dipasang melintang. Strategi kontrol bertujuan untuk membatasi gerakan dari silinder tabung yang ditopang balok kantilever elastik, untuk mencegah getaran optimal yang akan menghasilkan nonlinear sistem. Sistem control feedforward menggunakan gabungan antara multiresolution wavelet dengan Filtered-x least mean square (FxLMS) control algorithm. Untuk memverifikasi kelayakan algoritme kontrol yang diusulkan, upaya numerik dengan menggunakan persamaan Van der Pol dan hasil penerapan dalam eksperimental dilakukan untuk memperlihatkan respon getaran yang terjadi terhadap waktu. Diperoleh bahwa keefektifan algoritme wavelet-FxLMS sebagai strategi kontrol getaran aktif nonlinear telah berhasil didemonstrasikan baik secara eksperimental maupun teoritis di bawah osilator bangun Van der Pol.
Kata kunci: kontrol adaptif, teori kontrol, sistem kontrol, kontrol getaran, sistem kontrol non-linier.
In this paper, we present a novel feedforward control strategy presented for the control of flow-induced vibration of a tube cylinder supported by a transversely mounted elastic cantilever beam. The control strategy aims to limit the movement of the tube cylinder which is supported by elastic cantilever beams, to prevent optimal vibration which will result in a nonlinear system. The feedforward control system uses a combination of multiresolution wavelets and the Filtered-x least mean square (FxLMS) control algorithm. To verify the control feasibility of the proposed algorithm, a numerical effort using Van der Pol equation and the results of implementing it in the experiment was carried out to reveal the response vibrations that occur over time. It was found that the effectiveness of the wavelet-FxLMS algorithm as a nonlinear active vibration control strategy has been successfully demonstrated both experimentally and theoretically under a Van der Pol wake oscillator.
Keywords: adaptive control, control theory, control systems, vibration control, nonlinear control systems.
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