Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Remote Tilting Antenna untuk Aplikasi Base Station




Pada kondisi pembangunan suatu jaringan seluler baru, permasalahan coverage area terkadang perlu penanganan khusus. Jika coverage area dari suatu base station terlalu besar maka dapat mengakibatkan saling tumpang tindih (overlap) dengan sel yang berdekatan. Hal ini akan meningkatkan interferensi daya antar sel, yang kemudian berakibat pada penurunan kualitas layanan. Salah satu bentuk solusi untuk dapat memenuhi persyaratan coverage area, kinerja jaringan seluler, dan juga memenuhi tingkat keselamatan engineer adalah dengan menggunakan metoda down tilting antenna melalui wireless. Penetapan metoda down tilting antenna dilakukan dengan membuat suatu peralatan yang dapat menggerakkan posisi antenna pada base station. Perangkat yang diimplementasikan terdiri atas Transmitter, Receiver, Motor DC, Driver Motor, Logam Pengait, dan Antena. Sinyal yang berfungsi sebagai pengendali masuk ke Transmitter dan selanjutnya diolah oleh Receiver. Sinyal keluaran dari Receiver digunakan untuk mengendalikan motor DC melalui driver motor yang mengendalikan pergerakan dari Antenna Base Station. Pada penelitian ini, sistem telah dapat diuji memalui pergerakan antenna sampai dengan jarak 10 m. Tingkat kemiringan antena dibandingkan dengan pergeseran logam berkait menunjukan hasil yang linear. Setiap pergeseran 0,5 cm akan menyebabkan perubahan kemiringan antenna sebesar 1 derajat.

Kata kunci: Remote Tilting, Motor DC, Transmitter, Receiver, Base Station


On the state of development of a new mobile network, problem coverage area sometimes need special handling. If the coverage area of a Base Station is too big then it may lead to overlap ( overlap ) with adjacent cells. This will improve inter- cell interference power, which then resulted in a decrease in the quality of service. One form of solutions to meet the requirements of the coverage area, the performance of cellular networks, and also meet the level of safety engineers is to use the method of tilting down through a wireless antenna. Determination method of antenna down tilting is done by creating a device that can move the position of the antenna on Base Station. The device is implemented consisting of Transmitter, Receiver, Motor DC Motor Driver, Metal Hook , and Base Station Antennas. Which serves as a signal controlling entry into Transmitter and subsequently processed by the Receiver. The output signal of the receiver is used to control a DC motor through a motor driver that controls the movement of Base Station Antenna. In this study, the system has to be tested memalui antenna movement up to a distance of 10 m. Levels compared to the friction slope antenna hooked metal has showed linear results. Each shift will lead to a change of 0.5 cm by 1 degree slope antenna.

Key words: Remote Tilting, DC Motor, Transmitter, Receiver, Base Station


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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