Penerapan Human Machine Interface Berbasis Augmented Reality pada Sistem SCADA Modular Production System




Penerapan teknologi digital pada sistem SCADA dapat dilakukan dengan menampilkan user interface dengan metode Augmented Reality yaitu suatu teknologi yang menggabungkan suatu objek nyata dan objek virtual secara realtime. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan HMI NodeRED dengan metode pengamatan Augmented Reality pada Sistem SCADA Modular Production Systems (MPS) bagian Testing dan Handling Station. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan sistem berhasil melakukan kontrol dan monitoring plant Testing dan Handling Station melalui Webview Augmented Reality. Nilai rata-rata waktu pengiriman data PLC ke PC pada Testing Station yaitu 109 ms dan rata-rata waktu yang pengiriman data PC ke PLC yaitu 106 ms. Sedangkan untuk Handling Station rata-rata waktu pengiriman data PLC ke PC yaitu 109 ms dan rata-rata waktu pengiriman data PC ke PLC yaitu 105 ms.

Kata kunci: Augmented Reality, SCADA, NodeRED, PLC, MPS



The Implementation of digital technology in the SCADA system can be done by displaying a user interface with the Augmented Reality method, which is a technology that combines a real object and a virtual object in real-time. This study aims to implement HMI NodeRED with the Augmented Reality observation method on the SCADA Modular Production Systems (MPS) for testing and handling stations. The test results showed that the system successfully controlled and monitored the Testing and Handling Station plants through the Augmented Reality Webview.The average value of the time of sending PLC data to PC at the Testing Station is 109 ms and the average time that PC data is sent to the PLC is 106 ms. While for the Handling Station, the average time for sending PLC data to PC is 109 ms and the average time for sending PC data to PLC is 105 ms.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, SCADA, NodeRED, PLC, MPS


Augmented Reality; SCADA; NodeRED; PLC; MPS


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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