Penentuan Indoor Positioning System (IPS) menggunakan Metode Received Signal Strength (RSS) untuk Visible Light Communication (VLC)




Penentuan posisi di dalam ruangan merupakan hal yang penting untuk menjadikan petunjuk di dalam ruangan. Banyak metode lain yang sudah dilakukan penelitian tetapi ada beberapa kendala seperti tidak dapat digunakan di area sensitive dan biaya yang mahal. Pada penelitian ini kami mengusulkan untuk melakukan simulasi penentuan posisi menggunakan metode Received Signal Strength (RSS) dengan Light Emitting Diode (LED) dan Positive Intrinsic Negatif (PIN). Dengan asumsi pada ruangan tertutup yang berukuran 5 × 5 × 3 m3, kami melakukan simulasi 4 skenario posisi transmitter. Pada setiap skenario memiliki 3 buah transmitter pada level daya 1 watt yang lebih rendah dari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya. Dari hasil simulasi yang ekstensif menyatakan bahwa, pada skenario 1 memiliki hasil akurasi 27,97%, skenario 2 sebesar 43,33%, skenario 3 sebesar 86,84%, dan skenario 4 dengan hasil 21,15%.

Kata kunci: indoor positioning system, received signal strength, visible light communication



Determining the position in the room is important to be a guide in the room. Many other methods have been researched, but there are some obstacles such as not being able to be used in sensitive areas and expensive. In this study, we suggest simulating buying a position using the Received Signal Strength (RSS) method with Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Positive Intrinsic Negative (PIN). Assuming that the room is 5 × 5 × 3 m3 closed, we simulated 4 transmitter position scenarios. Each scenario has 3 transmitters at a power level of 1 watt which is lower than previous studies. From the extensive simulation results stated that scenario 1 has an accuracy of 27.97%, scenario 2 is 43.33%, scenario 3 is 86.84%, and scenario 4 is 21.15%.

Keywords: indoor positioning system, received signal strength, visible light communication


indoor positioning system; received signal strength; visible light communication


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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