Analisis Implementasi Link Aggregation dengan PIECES Framework pada Jaringan Transmisi Seluler




Perkembangan layanan data seluler mulai teknologi 2G Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) berkecepatan 473,6 kbps terus meningkat sampai teknologi 5G enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) berkecepatan 10 Gbps berdampak pada penggunaan aplikasi eCommerce, media sosial, platform video dan meeting online juga semakin tinggi. Lokasi perangkat 2G sampai 5G berada dalam satu lokasi yang sama berdampak pada penggunaan perangkat dan jalur transmisi yang sama pula, sehingga utilisasi transmisi cepat mengalami congestion. Untuk mengatasi congestion digunakan metode Link Aggregation (LAG) untuk menambah kapasitas antara koneksi Indoor Unit (IDU) dengan router. Untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas implementasi LAG digunakan kerangka kerja Performance Information Economics Control Efficiency Service (PIECES). Dari evaluasi kerangka kerja PIECES dapat disimpulkan dengan implementasi LAG kapasitas link bertambah dari 1x1 Gbps menjadi 2x1 Gbps, congestion turun dari 68,07% menjadi 34,60%, performance meningkat 50% dan throughput meningkat 10,63 Mbps.

Kata kunci: Transmisi seluler, congestion, kapasitas, LAG, PIECES



The development of cellular data services is always growing from 2G Enhanced GPRS (EGPRS) with speed 473.6 kbps continues to 5G enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) with speed up to 10 Gbps has an impact on the use of eCommerce, social media, video platforms and online meeting applications is also increasing. The location of 2G to 5G devices in the same location has an impact on the use of the same devices and transmission lines, so the utilization of transmission also getting congestion. To overcome congestion the Link Aggregation (LAG) method is used to add the capacity between Indoor Unit (IDU) and router connection. To evaluate the effectiveness of LAG implementation, the Performance Information Economics Control Efficiency Service (PIECES) framework is used. From the evaluation of PIECES framework, it can be concluded that implementation LAG make link capacity increased from 1x1 Gbps to 2x1 Gbps, congestion decreased from 68.07% to 34.60%, performance increased 50% and throughput increased 10.63 Mbps.

Keywords: Cellular transmission, congestion, capacity, LAG, PIECES


Transmisi seluler; congestion; kapasitas; LAG; PIECES


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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