Pengendalian Simulator Water Supply System menggunakan PID Berdasarkan Identifikasi
Water supply system dari sumber ke pengguna merupakan layanan penting, sehingga perlu dirancang untuk menyediakan air dengan tingkat tekanan yang cukup. Pengendalian water supply system dipengaruhi oleh kombinasi pemasangan pompa secara paralel dan seri untuk menghasilkan performansi yang dibutuhkan. Plant simulator water supply system dirancang dalam beberapa jenis instalasi yaitu pompa tunggal, pompa seri, pompa paralel, dan keran sebagai gangguan. Selain pengaruh instalasi, pengendalian plant simulator menggunakan PID diperlukan untuk menghasilkan tekanan air yang diinginkan. Plant simulator untuk setiap instalasi dimodelkan menggunakan identifikasi sistem, sehingga proses pengendalian dapat dirancang secara simulasi sebelum diimplementasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa instalasi pompa paralel pada plant simulator water supply system memberikan rata-rata penurunan tekanan air terkecil bila diberi gangguan yaitu sebesar 16,92% untuk setiap dilakukan pembukaan keran.
Kata kunci: water supply, pompa seri paralel, identifikasi, simulator, PID
Water supply system from source to user is an important service, so it needs to be designed to provide water with sufficient pressure level. The control of the water supply system is influenced by a combination of pump installation in parallel and series to produce the required performance. The plant simulator water supply system is designed in several types of installations, namely single pumps, series pumps, parallel pumps, and faucets as disturbances. In addition to the effect of installation, plant simulator control using PID is needed to produce the desired water pressure. The plant simulator for each installation is modeled using system identification, so that the control process can be designed in a simulation before being implemented. The results of this study indicate that the parallel pump installation on the plant simulator water supply system provides the smallest average drop in water pressure when disturbed, which is 16.92% for each tap opening.
Keywords: water supply, parallel series pump, identification, simulator, PID
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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638
Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia
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