Sintesis Model State-Space ke Embedded System dengan Metode Backward Difference




Realisasi sistem kendali berbasis state-space (seperti state feedback, LQR, MPC, SMC, dll) pada embedded system memerlukan informasi state hanya berdasarkan pembacaan output plant. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan nilai-nilai state suatu plant dengan menganalisis prosedur mengubah persamaan state-space ke persamaan difference (suatu bentuk persamaan yang dapat direalisasikan ke embedded system) menggunakan metode backward difference. Plant yang digunakan adalah kendali kecepatan yang modelnya didapat dari proses identifikasi. State observer ditambahkan pada model state-space plant untuk mengoreksi kesalahan dalam proses identifikasi. Verifikasi persamaan difference dilakukan dengan membandingkan output model terhadap sinyal plant, dimana didapat nilai RMSE-nya sebesar 0,94. Nilai state yang didapat selanjutnya diujicobakan pada kendali state feedback dengan risetime 3,23 detik, settling time 4,82 detik, overshoot 3,1 %, dan error steady state = 0. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode backward difference dapat digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai-nilai state plant sehingga berbagai algoritma kendali berbasis nilai state bisa direalisasikan pada embedded system.

Kata kunci: state-space, backward difference, plant, modern control system, state feedback



Realization of state-space-based control systems (such as state feedback, LQR, MPC, SMC, etc.) in embedded systems requires state information only based on plant output readings.This study aims to obtain states of a plant by using the backward difference method. The plant used is a speed control whose model is obtained from the identification process. State observer is also added to correct the derived model. The verification shows that the obtained states can result output model with RMSE value is 0.94. The states are then tested on the feedback state control with a risetime of 3.23 seconds, a settling time of 4.82 seconds, an overshoot of 3.1%, and a steady state error = 0. This method can be used to obtain plant state values so that various state value-based control algorithms can be realized at the embedded system.

Keywords: state-space, backward difference, plant, modern control system, state feedback.


state-space; backward difference; plant; modern control system; state feedback


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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