Analisis Kinerja Single User Troughput 5G NR pada Sel Indoor dengan Antena MIMO




Teknologi seluler 5G New Radio (NR) melalui penggunaan mmWave dengan bandwidth dan MIMO yang besar dapat memberikan layanan berkecepatan tinggi. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan analisis Single User Throughput (SUT) layanan teknologi 5G pada sel indoor melalui penerapan konfigurasi bandwidth hingga 100 MHz dan MIMO hingga 16x16. Perhitungan menerapkan formula ETSI dan OFCOM pada numerology 1, 64-QAM, serta target data rate mengacu pada layanan MBB live video 300 MBps, Cloud VR 150 Mbps, Video streaming 4K 50 Mbps, dan industrial control 10 Mbps. Hasil analisis menunjukkan layanan MBB Live Video dapat dipenuhi pada bandwidth 10 MHz MIMO 16x16, bandwidth 40 MHz MIMO ≥ 4x4, serta seluruh variasi MIMO pada bandwidth 80 MHz dan 100 MHz. Layanan industrial control dapat dipenuhi oleh seluruh kombinasi bandwidth dan MIMO. Pada penggunaan SINR sampai dengan 25 dB, SUT mencapai nilai maksimum konstan pada nilai SINR  23 dB dengan kondisi nilai efisiensi 4,46 bps/Hz.

Kata kunci: SUT, 5G, new radio, sel indoor, MIMO, bandwidth.



5G New Radio (NR) cellular technology through the use of mmWave with large bandwidth and MIMO can provide high-speed services. In this study, a Single User Throughput (SUT) analysis of 5G technology services was carried out on indoor cells through the application of bandwidth configurations up to 100 MHz and MIMO up to 16x16. The calculation applies the ETSI and OFCOM formulas on numerology 1, 64-QAM, and the target data rate refers to the 300 MBps live video MBB service, 150 Mbps Cloud VR, 4K 50 Mbps video streaming, and 10 Mbps industrial control. The results of the analysis show that the MBB Live Video service can be fulfilled at a bandwidth of 10 MHz MIMO 16x16, a bandwidth of 40 MHz MIMO ≥ 4x4, and all variations of MIMO on a bandwidth of 80 MHz and 100 MHz. Industrial control services can be fulfilled by all combinations of bandwidth and MIMO. In the use of SINR up to 25 dB, SUT reaches a constant maximum value at a SINR value of ≥ 23 dB with an efficiency value of 4.46 bps / Hz.

Keywords: SUT, 5G, new radio, indoor cell, MIMO, bandwidth.


SUT; 5G; new radio; sel indoor; MIMO; bandwidth


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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