The Analysis of MHPP Acceptability in Supporting National Energy Security
Respon penerimaan masyarakat dengan komitmen dan kemandirian menjadi kunci keberhasilan pembangunan infrastruktur energi terbarukan. Penelitian ini menganalisis akseptabilitas pembangunan PLTMH di Jawa Barat, sistem manajemen dan strategi pembinaan IBEKA sebagai LSM, dan rumusan strategi peningkatan akseptabilitas PLTMH dalam mendukung ketahanan energi nasional. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan Prosedur Analisis Data Manual dan penentuan strategi dengan analisis SWOT dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan akseptabilitas PLTMH cukup rendah karena belum adanya kesamaan pendekatan pada tahap perencanaan pendidikan. Alternatif strategi terbaik adalah strategi SO (SWOT) dengan bobot sebesar 4.37, strategi ini meliputi kerjasama dengan kementerian terkait pembentukan koperasi dan BUMDes, kolaborasi dengan LSM, ketersediaan komponen lokal dan kemudahan teknologi PLTMH.
Kata kunci: Keamanan Energi, akseptabilitas PLTMH, SWOT Analysis, Jawa Barat.
The response to community acceptance with commitment and independence can be the key to the success of renewable energy infrastructure development. This study analyzed the acceptability of MHPP development in West Java, the management system and coaching strategy by IBEKA as an LSM, and the strategies formulated to improve the acceptability of MHPP. This study's design used a qualitative approach with Manual Data Analysis Procedures and strategy determination with SWOT analysis with quantitative approach. The result of this study showed that the MHPP acceptability was low due to the lack of a common approach at the educational plan stage during the initial development process. The best alternative strategy is the SO (SWOT) strategy with a weight of 4.37, this strategy includes collaboration with ministries related to the formation of
cooperative unions and BUMDes, collaboration with NGO, the availability of local components and the ease of MHPP technology.
Keywords: Energy Security, MHPP Acceptability, SWOT Analysis, West Java.
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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638
Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia
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