Optimalisasi Penggunaan Frekuensi dan Peningkatan Throughput pada Jaringan LTE-A menggunakan Metode CADS2
Penelitian kali ini mengamati data Operating Support System (OSS) operator untuk wilayah Ciparay Bandung. Berdasarkan data OSS, Ciparay memiliki penetrasi jaringan LTE-A sebesar 90%, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa trafik di area tersebut sangat padat. Selain itu, nilai throughput jaringan LTE-A di area ini hanya sebesar 6.8 Mbps. Hal ini masih belum memenuhi standar operator dimana throughput > 16 Mbps. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, dilakukan optimalisasi penggunaan frekuensi dan peningkatan throughput menggunakan metode Carrier Aggregation Deployment Scenario 2 (CADS2) dimana dilakukan penggabungan dua buah component carrier pada bandwidth 15 MHz di band 3 (1800 MHz) dan bandwidth 20 di band 40 (2300 MHz). Dimana pada skenario I, band 3 dijadikan primary cell dan band 40 dijadikan secondary cell. Sedangkan pada skenario II, band 40 dijadikan primay cell dan band 3 dijadikan secondary cell. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu terjadi peningkatan rata-rata throughput sebesar 94,87 %.
Kata kunci: LTE-A, OSS operator, CADS2, throughput, Ciparay Bandung
This research examines operator Operating Support System (OSS) data for the Ciparay area of Bandung. Based on OSS data, Ciparay has an LTE-A network penetration of 90%, this shows that the traffic in the area is very dense. In addition, the value of LTE-A network throughput in this area is only 6.8 Mbps. This still does not meet operator standards where throughput is> 16 Mbps. To overcome this, optimization of frequency usage and increase in throughput are carried out using the Carrier Aggregation Deployment Scenario 2 (CADS2) method by combining two carrier components on a 15 MHz bandwidth in band 3 (1800 MHz) and bandwidth 20 in band 40 (2300 MHz) . In scenario I, band 3 is set as a primary cell and band 40 is set as a secondary cell, whereas in scenario II, band 40 is set as a primay cell and band 3 is set as a secondary cell. The results obtained are an increase in average throughput of 94,87 %.
Keywords: LTE-A, OSS operator, CADS2, throughput, Ciparay Bandung
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26760/elkomika.v9i1.125
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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638
Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia
Address: 20th Building Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung PHH. Mustofa Street No. 23 Bandung 40124, Indonesia
Contact: +627272215 (ext. 206)
Email: jte.itenas@itenas.ac.id________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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