IoT Technology Involving Wheeled Line Follower Robot for Restaurant Services Automation




Pada artikel ini dibahas perancangan model otomatisasi restoran yang meliputi program komputer yang dapat menerima pesanan dan mengirimkan tagihan pembayaran serta robot yang dapat mengantar pesanan kepada pemesan secara otomatis. Robot bergerak mengikuti garis lintasan pada model restoran dimana meja-meja yang sudah ditempeli kartu Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ditempatkan dipinggir lintasan. Peralatan utama yang digunakan meliputi mikrokontroler Arduino Uno, kit NodeMCU, telepon pintar dan komputer sebagai server. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan sistem mampu menerima pesanan, robot mampu menerima data dari server dan kemudian bergerak maju dengan mengikuti garis lintasan menuju ke meja yang dimaksud dengan cara membaca kode pada tag RFID dan berhenti di depannya dengan jarak bervariasi antara 0,5 dan 1,5 cm dari sumbu kartu RFID. Kemudian, sistem menghasilkan faktur dan mengirimkannya ke pelanggan melalui email.

Kata kunci: internet of things, line follower, otomatisasi layanan, RFID, robot beroda



This article discusses the design of a restaurant automation model that includes a computer program for receiving orders and sending bills as well as a wheeled robot which can deliver orders to customers automatically. In the restaurant model there are tables that have been attached with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags placed alongside the track. The main equipment used includes Arduino Uno, NodeMCU, smartphone and computer. The test results showed that the system was able to accept orders. The robot was able to move forward by following the path to the intended table by reading the code on the RFID tag and stopping in front of it with a range of between 0.5 and 1.5 cm from the axis of the RFID card. Moreover, the system generates an invoice and email it to the customer.

Keywords: internet of Things, line follower, RFID, services automation, wheeled robot


Internet of Things; line follower; RFID; services automation; wheeled robot

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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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