Pengendalian Gerak Robot menggunakan Semantik Citra Gestur Tangan Manusia




Pengendalian robot jarak jauh menjadi sangat dibutuhkan pada bidang otomasi industri. Objektif dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan robot lengan beroda pemindah benda menggunakan perintah semantik citra gestur tangan manusia. Evaluasi pada penelitian ini dibedakan menjadi dua kategori yaitu deteksi semantik citra gestur tangan manusia dan manuver gerak bebas robot lengan beroda. Tingkat keberhasilan identifikasi gestur tangan sebesar 77,73%. Manuver gerak maju memiliki rata-rata error sebesar 4,125%, gerak mundur sebesar 4,85%, gerak berputar kiri sebesar 14,36% dan gerak berputar kanan sebesar 6,66%.

Kata kunci: robot lengan beroda, semantik citra, gesture tangan, gerak manuver, Lab-VIEW.


Remote control of the robot became very needed in the industrial automation fields. The research objectives are to develop a driven wheeled arm robot using human hand gesture semantic commands. Evaluation in this research is divided into two categories are the detection of human hand movements and the freedom of motion wheeled arm robots. The successful identification of human hand gestures is 77.73%. The maneuvers has an average error is 4.125%, the backward motion is 4.85%, left rotating motion is 14.36% and right rotating motion is 6.66%.

Keywords: A driven wheeled arm robot, semantic vision, human hand gesture, motion maneuvers, Lab-VIEW


robot lengan beroda; semantik citra; gesture tangan; gerak manuver; Lab-VIEW


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

Address: 20th Building  Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung PHH. Mustofa Street No. 23 Bandung 40124, Indonesia

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