Analisis Dampak Inter-Band Carrier Aggregation pada Perencanaan Jaringan LTE-Advanced




Penerapan teknologi Long Term Evolution (LTE) di Indonesia belum optimal dalam pengalokasian spektrum dikarenakan keterbatasan spektrum, untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut 3GPP mengeluarkan teknologi terbaru yaitu LTEAdvanced yang mendukung fitur carrier aggregation (CA) yang memberikan throughput yang lebih tinggi dengan penggunaan spektrum yang lebih efisien. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan perencanaan jaringan LTE-Advanced menggunakan metode inter-band CA dengan menggabungkan dua band frequency yang berbeda yaitu bandwith 5 MHz di band 5 (850 MHz) dan bandwidth 10 MHz di band 3 (1800 MHz). Untuk mendapatkan performansi yang maksimal perencanaan jaringan LTE dan LTE-A dikombinasikan dengan penggunaan skema Physical Cell Identity (PCI) dan Soft Frequency Reuse (SFR). Penggunaan PCI meningkatkan SINR sebesar 1 dB dan throughput meningkat sebesar 200 Kbps, sedangkan penggunaan skema SFR meningkatkan SINR sebesar 9 dB dan throughput meningkat sebesar 13 Mbps.

Kata kunci: LTE-Advanced, PCI, SFR, Carrier Aggregation.



The implementation of Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology in Indonesia has not been optimal due to spectrum limitations. To overcome the problem, 3GPP issued the latest technology, i.e. LTE-Advanced, to support the carrier aggregation (CA) feature that provides higher throughput with more efficient spectrum usage. In this study, LTE-Advanced network planning was performed using the inter-band CA method by combining two different band frequencies, namely 5 MHz bandwidth on Band 5 (850 MHz) and 10 MHz bandwidth on Band 3 (1800 MHz). In addition, to generate maximum performance, the LTE and LTEA networks planning was combined with the use of Physical Cell Identity (PCI) and Soft Frequency Reuse (SFR) schemes. The use of the PCI managed to increase SINR by 1 dB and throughput by 200 Kbps, while the use of SFR scheme managed to increase SINR by 9 dB and throughput by 13 Mbps.

Keywords: LTE-Advanced, PCI, SFR, Carrier Aggregation.


LTE-Advanced; PCI; SFR; Carrier Aggregation


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

Address: 20th Building  Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung PHH. Mustofa Street No. 23 Bandung 40124, Indonesia

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