Perancangan dan Analisis LTE Advanced 850 Mhz untuk Meningkatkan Penetrasi Mobile Broadband di Indonesia




Layanan mobile broadband LTE telah berkembang di Indonesia, namun penyebarannya belum merata. Selain itu, sumber daya frekuensi semakin terbatas seiring dengan meningkatnya trafik layanan broadband. Maka untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, spektrum frekuensi 850 MHz dapat diterapkan pada teknologi LTE advance untuk meningkatkan penetrasi mobile broadband. Maka, untuk mengukur tingkat penetrasi, sehingga dilakukan perancangan LTE Advance 850 MHz yang dibandingkan dengan LTE 1800 MHz eksisting berdasarkan pedekatan cakupan dan kapasitas jaringan. Perhitungan dan simulasi menghasilkan peningkatan penetrasi cakupan wilayah hingga 65% ketika menerapkan LTE Advanced 850 MHz. Sedangkan pendekatan kapasitas, pada parameter active user, jumlah connected user pada frekuensi 850 MHz mencapai 98% jauh dibandingkan frekuensi 1800 Mhz yang mencapai 91%, serta kualitas sinyal RSRP meningkat 37%-46%

Kata kunci: LTE Advanced, 850MHz, Effective Throughput, Active User, Penetrasi, Broadband



LTE mobile broadband services is growing rapidly in Indonesia, however the deployment does not spread evenly, especially in remote area. Moreover, resource of frequency spectrum is limited because of the growth of broadband traffic. Thus, frequency spectrum 850 MHz can be implemented for LTE Advanced to increase mobile broadband penetration. So, to measure LTE penetration level, LTE Advanced 850 MHz design is compared to the existing LTE 1800 MHz by coverage and capacity approachment. According to calculation and simulation, coverage penetration increase up to 65% as LTE Advanecd 850 MHz implemetation. While, the connected user of LTE 850 MHz reach 98% when compared to LTE Advanced 1800 MHz that only reach up to 91% and also signal quality increase up to 37%-46%.

Keywords: LTE Advanced, 850MHz, Effective throughput, Active user, Penetration, Broadband


LTE Advanced, 850MHz, Effective Throughput, Active User, Penetrasi, Broadband


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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