Analisis Penggunaan Frequency Band 400 MHz dan 700 MHz untuk Layanan Broadband PPDR di Indonesia




Layanan komunikasi Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) di Indonesia saat ini bekerja pada frequency band 400 MHz melalui teknologi narrowband. Semakin beragamnya layanan dan kebutuhan informasi membutuhkan pengembangan ke arah penerapan teknologi broadband. Adanya wacana Analog Switch Off (ASO), memungkinan frequency band 700 MHz dapat dimanfaatkan layanan komunikasi PPDR dengan penerapan teknologi LTE. Melalui kajian penggunaan frequency band 400 MHz dan 700 MHz, layanan broadband PPDR kejadian PP1 membutuhkan lebar band sebesar 10 MHz untuk baik pada arah uplink maupun downlink. Jumlah sel yang diperlukan pada penggunaan frequency band 400 MHz adalah 6482 sel pada tahun 2017 dan meningkat menjadi 6744 sel pada tahun 2021, sedangkan frequency band 700 MHz dari 12901 sel menjadi 13510 sel.

Kata kunci: PPDR, broadband, ASO, PP1, LTE



The Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) communication service in Indonesia is currently working on a 400 MHz frequency band through narrowband technology. Increasingly diverse services and information needs require development towards the application of broadband technology. The discourse of Analog Switch Off (ASO), allows the 700 MHz frequency band can be utilized PPDR communication services with the application of LTE technology. Through the study of the use of 400 MHz and 700 MHz frequency bands, PPDR broadband service incident PP1 requires bandwidth of 10 MHz for both uplink and downlink. The number of cells required on the use of the 400 MHz frequency band is 6482 cells by 2017 and increases to 6744 cells by 2021, while the 700 MHz frequency band from 12901 cells becomes 13510 cells.

Keywords: PPDR, broadband, ASO, PP1, LTE


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

Address: 20th Building  Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung PHH. Mustofa Street No. 23 Bandung 40124, Indonesia

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