Estimasi SOC Saat Discharging pada Baterai VRLA Berbasis Elman Backpropagation




Penurunan performa baterai terjadi akibat siklus pengisian dan pengosongan berulang yang melebihi batas, mempercepat degradasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan akurasi estimasi State of Charge (SOC) baterai menggunakan Artificial Neural Network (ANN) dengan algoritma Elman Backpropagation. Metode digunakan karena menambahkan lapisan context neuron yang mampu menangkap pola dinamis pada data baterai. Pengujian dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil estimasi SOC dari metode ini dengan metode Coulomb Counting. SOC baterai diestimasi dari 100% hingga 60%, dan hasil menunjukkan bahwa meskipun Coulomb Counting awalnya memberikan SOC lebih tinggi, estimasi dari kedua metode menjadi lebih mirip seiring waktu. Error estimasi berkisar antara 0,1% hingga 14,7%. Algoritma Elman Backpropagation terbukti mampu memberikan estimasi SOC yang lebih akurat, namun masih memerlukan kalibrasi lebih lanjut untuk meningkatkan presisi.

Kata kunci: Artificial Neural Network, Baterai, Coulumb Counting, Elman Backpropagation, State of Charge.



The decline in battery performance occurs due to repeated charge and discharge cycles that exceed limits, accelerating degradation. This study aimed to improve the accuracy of State of Charge (SOC) estimation using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with the Elman Backpropagation algorithm. The method used was unique in adding a context neuron layer capable of capturing dynamic patterns in battery data. Testing was conducted by comparing SOC estimates from this method with the Coulomb Counting method. The battery's SOC was estimated from 100% to 60%, and the results showed that although Coulomb Counting initially provided higher SOC estimates, the estimates from both methods became more similar over time. Estimation errors ranged from 0.1% to 14.7%. The Elman Backpropagation algorithm proved to provide more accurate SOC estimates, although further calibration is needed to improve precision.

Keywords: Artificial Neural Network, Battery, Coulumb Counting, Elman Backpropagation, State of Charge.


Artificial Neural Network; Baterai; Coulumb Counting; Elman Backpropagation; State of Charge


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