Rancang Bangun Matched Mixer sebagai Komponen Penyusun IQ Mixer pada Aplikasi Synthetic Aperture Radar




IQ Mixer adalah komponen yang penting pada subsistem RF Synthtetic Aperture Radar (SAR) karena berperan untuk melakukan proses Single Side Band (SSB) modulation antara sinyal qudrature base chirp (IF) dengan sinyal carrier (LO), sehingga mampu menurunkan beban kerja Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) dan meningkatkan resolusi sistem SAR. IQ Mixer tersusun dari satu Quadrature LO Phase Shifter, dua Matched Mixer dan satu Power Combiner-Splitter. Pada penelitian ini dipaparkan mengenai perancangan Matched Mixer yang dibuat dengan menggunakan anti-phase coupler dan konfigurasi double balanced mixer. Anti-phase coupler yang digunakan merupakan modifikasi dari qudrature coupler dengan tujuan untuk menghindari interferensi karena adanya saluran transmisi yang saling menyilang. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa anti-phase coupler memiliki nilai phase unbalance dibawah 1°, amplitude unbalance dibawah 0,6 dB dan untuk double balanced mixer memiliki nilai conversion loss (CL) sebesar 9,58 dB.

Kata kunci: Coupler, Matched Mixer, IQ Mixer, Synthetic Aperture Radar



IQ Mixer is an important component in the RF Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) subsystem that plays a role in carrying out the single side band modulation process between the quadrature base chirp (IF) signal and the carrier (LO) signal, thereby reducing the workload of the Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and increasing the resolution of SAR systems. IQ Mixer is composed of a Quadrature LO Phase Shifter, two Matched Mixers, and a Power Combiner-splitter. This research describes the process of designing a matched mixer, which is made using an anti-phase coupler and a double-balanced mixer configuration. The anti-phase coupler is a modified version of the quadrature coupler to avoid interference due to crossing transmission lines. The measurement results show that the anti-phase coupler has a phase unbalance value below 1°, an amplitude unbalance below 0.6 dB, and the double-balanced mixer has a conversion loss value of 9.58 dB.

Keywords: Coupler, Matched Mixer, IQ Mixer, Synthetic Aperture Radar


Coupler; Matched Mixer; IQ Mixer; Synthetic Aperture Radar


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26760/elkomika.v12i3.716


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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