Profitability on Solar Power Plant Systems for Households Electricity in Indonesia




Paper ini menganalisis secara teknis dan ekonomi PLTS (pembangkit listrik tenaga surya) hibrid off-grid untuk rumahtangga di Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Sistem PLTS terdiri dari delapan panel surya polikristalin dengan daya 410Wp masing-masing, inverter 3kW, dan baterai LiFePO4 (lithium ferrophosphate) 48V 300Ah. PLTS telah dioperasikan sejak awal 2021, dan energi yang terkumpul dari panel surya dimulai November 2021 hingga akhir Agustus 2022, menunjukkan variasi nilai dari 3,2kWh hingga 17,4kWh. Dengan mempertimbangkan efisiensi perangkat 85%, hasil total energi diperkirakan 3.740,7 kWh per tahun. Penelitian ini mendapatkan nilai hasil rata-rata tahunan sebesar 1.140,5 kWh/kWp dan rasio kinerja 63,4%. NPV (net present value) digunakan sebagai indikator kelayakan investasi, dengan hasil masa investasi 24 tahun, tingkat diskonto 7%, laju degradasi PV (fotovoltaik) sebesar 0,8%, dan penurunan baterai sebesar 1,5% per tahun. Studi ini menyoroti potensi keuntungan investasi PLTS dengan kondisi tertentu dan mendorong intervensi regulasi pemerintah untuk meningkatkan aplikasi PLTS.

Kata kunci: PLTS, off-grid, NPV, panel surya, rasio kinerja



This paper presents technical and economic analysis of hybrid off-grid SPP (Solar Power Plant) for a home in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia. The system consists of eight polycrystalline photovoltaic with 410Wp each, 3kW inverter and a 48V 300Ah LiFePO4 (lithium ferrophosphate) battery. The harvested energy was recorded starting from November 2021 to the end of August 2022. The recorded data shows the variation of values from 3.2kWh to 17.4kWh. The annual energy is 3,740.7 kWh by considering 85% devices efficiency. Furthermore, an annual average final yield is 1,140.5 kWh/kWp and performance ratio is 63.4%. NPV (net present value) was used as an indicator of feasibility investments by considering device lifespan, 7% discount rate, 0.8% of PV (photovoltaic) degradation rate and 1.5% battery fade per year. This study highlights the potential benefits of investing in hybrid off-grid SPP under specific conditions and advocates for government intervention through regulations to enhance the SPP applications.

Keywords: Solar Power Plant, off-grid, NPV, photovoltaic, performance ratio


Solar Power Plant; off-grid; NPV; photovoltaic; performance ratio

Full Text:



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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


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