Battery Management System dengan Fitur Adaptive Current Protection terhadap Suhu




Ketika charging, baterai lithium-ion seringkali terjadi overheat dan overcharge. Begitu pun ketika discharging juga terjadi overdischarge, overheat dan overcurrent apabila tidak sesuai kurva karakteristik (T=-8.75*I+60). Hal tersebut menyebabkan kerusakan sel baterai sehingga megurangi lifetime baterai. Penelitian ini dibuat sistem battery management system (BMS) yang memantau suhu dan arus melalui pembacaan sensor. Apabila suhu saat charging melebihi batas maksimum (45°C), sistem akan diproteksi dengan menonaktifkan MOSFET (switch). Proteksi ketika discharging terjadi jika suhu atau arus melebihi batas kurva atau safety factor (p). Dari hasil data charging, sistem mampu memproteksi overheat dengan error 0.43% dan menghitung nilai state of charge (SoC) dimana akan beralih ke mode discharge jika melebihi 85% dengan error 0.01%. Saat discharging sistem mampu memproteksi ketika besaran suhu dan atau arus melebihi safety factor yakni 60 dengan error 1.74% serta mampu beralih ke mode charge jika SoC kurang dari 40% dengan errror 0.018%.

Kata kunci: Safety factor, Battery Management System, State of Charge



During charging, lithium-ion batteries risk overheating and overcharging, while discharging may lead to overdischarge, overheating, and overcurrent if deviating from the characteristic curve (T=-8.75*I+60), causing battery cell damage and reducing lifetime. This study introduces a Battery Management System (BMS) that monitors temperature and current using sensors. If the charging temperature surpasses the limit (45°C), the system protects by deactivating the MOSFET switch. Discharging protection triggers if temperature or current exceeds the curve or safety factor (p). Analyzing charging data, the system defends against overheating with a 0.43% error, calculates State of Charge (SoC), shifting to discharge mode if exceeding 85% with a 0.01% error. During discharging, the system safeguards against temperature and/or current surpassing the safety factor of 60 with a 1.74% error and switches to charge mode if SoC falls below 40% with a 0.18% error.

Keywords: Safety factor, Battery Management System, State of Charge


Safety factor; Battery Management System; State of Charge


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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