Strategi Operasi Load Shedding dan Islanding Stiffness Sistem Tenaga Listrik pada Kondisi Edge Emergency
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi elemen-elemen krusial dalam menjaga stabilitas sistem tenaga pada kondisi edge emergency, yang terkait erat dengan penjagaan keseimbangan dan pemulihan frekuensi yang cepat setelah terjadinya gangguan. Pengelolaan pasokan listrik dan mempertahankan integritas sistem tenaga listrik, serta strategi load shedding dan operasi islanding, menjadi salah satu upaya untuk menjaga stabilitas. Respons cadangan berputar pada operasi islanding, terutama dalam menyesuaikan daya aktif selama gangguan, memiliki peran krusial untuk menjaga respon kestabilan sesuai batasan edge maksimum dan minimum. Pemodelan mekanisme skema load shedding dan operasi islanding dengan trigger dari stiffness kondisi edge maksimum tercapai dengan menjaga nilai overfrequency dibawah 51,5 Hz dengan nilai frekuensi tertinggi sebesar 51,473 HZ , sedangkan edge minimum tercapai dengan menjaga nilai underfrequency diatas 47,5 Hz dengan nilai frekuensi terendah sebesar 47,517 Hz.
Kata kunci: load shedding, islanding, stiffness, edge maksimum, edge minimum
This study explores crucial elements in maintaining power systems stability during edge emergency condition, closely related to maintaining balance and rapid frequency recovery after disturbances. Efforts aimed at ensuring stability include managing electrical supply, preserving power system integrity, as well as implementing load shedding and islanding operations. Spinning reserve response in islanding operation, particularly in adjusting active power during disturbances, plays a crucial role in maintaining stability responses within specified maximum and minimum edge constraints. Modeling of load shedding schemes and islanding operations triggered by the stiffness conditions of maximum edge condition is achieved by maintaining the overfrequency value below 51.5 Hz, with the highest frequency value being 51.473 Hz. Meanwhile, the minimum edge condition is achieved by maintaining the underfrequency value above 47.5 Hz, with the lowest frequency value being 47.517 Hz.
Keywords: load shedding, islanding, stiffness, maksimum edge, minimum edge
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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638
Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia
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