Analisis Performansi Algoritma Routing First Contact dengan Stationary Relay Node pada Delay Tolerant Network
Algoritma routing pada jaringan klasik dapat berjalan jika hubungan end-to-end selalu ada.Algoritma routing ini bekerja dengan menggunakan informasi mengenai seluruh jalur yang tersedia.Untuk itu, pada jaringan dengan kondisi ekstrim seperti ini diperlukan algoritma routing yang sesuai.Salah satu algoritma routing yang dapat dijalankan pada Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) adalah First Contact.Algoritma iniakanmelakukan penggandaan pesan yang dibawanyauntuk kemudian diberikan kepada node lainnya yang pertama kali ditemui.Dalam penelitian ini ditambahkan stationary relay node untuk meningkatkan delivery probability.Dengan penambahan stationary relay node diperoleh peningkatan delivery probability 2 hingga 6% dibandingkan dengan jaringan tanpa stationary relay node. Parameter overhead ratio meningkat sebesar 7-18% dibandingkan jaringan tanpa Stationary relay node. Algoritma First Contact dengan tambahan Stationary relay nodejuga memberikan tambahan average latency, 118 – 171 detik.Nilaiini berbanding lurus dengan jumlah mobile node DTN yang ada pada area tersebut.
Kata kunci: Delay Tolerant Network, first contact,Stationaryrelaynode, routing algorithm, delivery probability, overhead ratio, average latency.
Classical routing algorithms only works if there is end to end connection.This algorithms uses the information about every available path, and then choose the best path related to spesific metric.. For the networks with the extreme condition, it is needed the suitable routing alorithms. One of the routing algorithms that is able to be applicated in Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is First Contact. This algorithm will make a single copy message and then forward it to the first encountered node. In this research, the stationaryrelaynodes were added to improve delivery probability. The effect of adding stationary relay node is increasing the delivery probability about 2-6%, compared to networks without stationary relay node. The overhead ratio increased about  7-18% compared to networks without stationary relay node. First Contact algorithm with stationary relay node gives bigger average latency, 118 – 171 second. This value is directly proportional to the number of mobile DTN nodes that exist in the area.
Keywords: Delay Tolerant Network, first contact, Stationaryrelaynode, routing algorithm, delivery probability, overhead ratio, average latency..
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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638
Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia
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