Sistem Monitoring Persawahan terhadap Pencemaran Limbah Pabrik berbasis Internet of Things




Sektor pertanian merupakan salah satu tulang punggung perekonomian di Indonesia. Terdapat suatu tantangan dalam mengelola infrastruktur pertanian yakni lahan sawah yang masih tercemar limbah pabrik. Oleh sebab itu, dibutuhkan suatu sistem untuk memantau kualitas air dan udara serta sistem proteksi persawahan. Dalam penelitian ini, sistem monitoring berbasis Internet of Things dan prototipe sistem proteksi persawahan dirancang secara komprehensif. Parameter yang dipantau adalah pH air irigasi menggunakan sensor pH V2 electrode probe dan konsentrasi gas CO dengan sensor MQ7. Mikrokontroler NodeMCU ESP32 dihubungkan dengan sensor-sensor dan diproses untuk mengendalikan pintu air irigasi sebagai sistem proteksi persawahan. Jika terdeteksi adanya limbah cair, maka pintu irigasi akan otomatis tertutup. Data yang diperoleh dikirim ke server dan dapat diakses melalui aplikasi dan web Blynk. Waktu respons sensor dan kerja aktuator motor stepper adalah 25,8 detik.

Kata kunci: pencemaran, monitoring, sensor pH, sensor gas CO, IoT



The agricultural sector is one of the backbones of the economy in Indonesia. There are challenges in managing agricultural infrastructure such as rice fields which are still polluted by factory waste.Therefore, a system is needed to combine air and air quality and a rice field protection system. In this research, an Internet of Things-based monitoring system and a rice field protection system prototype were designed comprehensively. The parameters detected are the pH of the irrigation water using the V2 pH sensor electrode probe and the CO gas concentration using the MQ7 sensor. The NodeMCU ESP32 microcontroller is connected to sensors and processed to control irrigation water gates as a rice field protection system. If liquid waste is detected, the irrigation door will automatically close. The data obtained is sent to the server and can be accessed via the Blynk application and web. The sensor response time and stepper motor actuator work is 25.8 seconds.

Keywords: pollution, monitoring pH sensor, CO gas sensor, IoT


pencemaran; monitoring; sensor pH; sensor gas CO; IoT


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ISSN (print) : 2338-8323 | ISSN (electronic) : 2459-9638


Department of Electrical Engineering Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung, Indonesia

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