Kinerja Mesin Pencacah Sampah Plastik dan Akrilik Tipe Crusher 9 Pisau Gerak
Pada penelitian sebelumnya telah dirancang dan dibuat mesin pencacah sampah plastik HDPE sekaligus digunakan untuk sampah akrilik dengan ketebalan diatas 1mm, sebagai bagian dari proses daur ulang sampah plastik dan akrilik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini menguji kinerja mesin pencacah sampah plastik dan akrilik ketebalan 2-3mm, serta memperoleh fenomena dari pencacahan pada variasi ketebalan sampah plastik HDPE 1,00-1,30mm. Putaran motor yang digunakan1500, 2000, 2500 dan 3000 rpm. Dari hasil pengujian variasi ketebalan 1,00 mm hingga 1,30 mm, kenaikan ketebalan tidak mempengaruhi kapasitas secara signifikan. Hasil pengujian pencacahan sampah akrilik; rendemen pencacahan rata-rata sebesar 98,9 %, efisiensi pencacahan 72,3 %. Sedangkan dari hasil pengujian sampah plastik rendemen pencacahan rata-rata sebesar 88% dan efisiensi pencacahan 80%. Hasil pengujian kinerja Efisiensi pencacahan plastik lebih tinggi 10,6% dari akrilik. Parameter kinerja dari mesin pencacah ini sudah diatas standar SNI.
Kata kunci: Pencacah Akrilik, Pencacah Plastik HDPE, Kinerja Mesin, Pengaruh ketebalan
In previous research, a chopping machine was designed and built to chop HDPE plastic waste and acrylic waste with a thickness above 1mm, as part of the plastic and acrylic waste recycling process. The purpose of this study was to test the performance of plastic and acrylic waste chopping machines with a thickness of 2-3mm, and to obtain phenomena from counting the thickness variations of HDPE plastic waste 1.00-1.30mm. Motor rotation used 1500, 2000, 2500 and 3000 rpm. From the test results for variations in thickness from 1.00 mm to 1.30 mm, the increase in thickness does not significantly affect capacity. The results of the acrylic waste enumeration test; the average yield of enumeration was 98.9%, the efficiency of enumeration was 72.3%. Meanwhile, from the results of plastic waste testing, the average yield of enumeration was 88% and the efficiency of enumeration was 80%. Performance test results The efficiency of plastic shredding is 10.6% higher than acrylic. The performance parameter of this chopper is above the SNI standard.
Keywords: Acrylic Counter, HDPE Plastic Counter, Machine Performance, Thickness Effect
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