Penggunaan Oktan Booster untuk Memperbaiki Kinerja Mesin Bensin 4 Langkah

Yuniarto Agus Winoko, Agus Setiawan, Purwoko Purwoko




Penurunan kinerja mesin diakibatkan adanya kerusakan komponen,  kondisi ini akibat beberapa faktor seperti cara mengemudi, beban kerja, medan jalan dan modifikasi. Kerusakan mesin saat pembakaran berlangsung terjadi akibat perbandingan udara dan bahan bakar yang tidak sesuai atau penambahan additif bahan bakar yang tidak sesuai. Oktan booster adalah additive berbentuk granular untuk memperbaiki proses pembakaran di mesin bensin. Tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan octane booster pada bahan bakar pertalite terhadap daya dan specific fuel consumption, selain mengetahui daya terbesar campuran bahan bakar dengan oktan booster yang massanya 0,2gram, 0,4gram dan 0,6gram serta 0,8gram. Metode uji kinerja mesin bukaan katup penuh sesuai standar ISO 1585 dengan putaran mesin 1000, 2000, 3000 dan 4000rpm.  Pencampuran oktan booster 0,2gram, 0,4gram dan 0,6gram serta 0,8gram  dan 3 liter pertalite dengan cara ditumpuk dan diaduk. Selanjutnya data dihitung dan dianalisis secara matematika. Hasil ada pengaruh penambahan octane booster. Daya terbesar 38,23 hP saat campuran pertalite tercampur 0,8gram octane booster dan terjadi penurunan konsumsi bahan bakar 15% dibanding standar. Konsumsi bahan bakar terendah pada campuran 0,8gram oktan booster dengan 3 liter pertalite.


Kata kunci : bahan bakar, oktan booster, putaran mesin, daya.




Engine performance decreasing is caused by component damage, this condition due to several factors such as driving method, workload, road terrain and modifications. Failure of the engine during combustion occurs since there is an inappropriate air to fuel ratio or the addition of inappropriate fuel additives. Octane booster is an additive in granular form to improve the combustion process in gasoline engines. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of adding an octane booster to pertalite fuel on power and specific fuel consumption, furthermore is to knowing the biggest power when the fuel mix with an octane booster with masses of 0.2gram, 0.4gram and 0.6gram and 0.8gram. Test method for engine performance with full valve opening according to ISO 1585 standard with engine speed of 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000rpm. Mixing octane booster 0.2 grams, 0.4 grams and 0.6 grams as well as 0.8 grams and 3 liters of pertalite by stacking and stirring. hereafter the data is calculated and analyzed mathematically. The test results show that there is an effect of adding an octane booster. The biggest power was 38.23 hP when the pertalite is mixed with 0.8gram octane booster and there was a 15% decrease in fuel consumption compared to the standard. Lowest fuel consumption is in a mixture of 0.8gram octane booster with 3 liters of pertalite.


Keywords: booster octan, fuel, engine speed, power

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